Thursday, January 24, 2013


I've always used MCN's with William, since he was just under a month old anyway, he's 2 today. I use them with Jack when I can, his first 12 weeks he was in double nappies for his DDH, so he got a MCN over the top of a disposable, while he was in the pavlik harness for 14 weeks he was in MCN's, he was in MCN's during his 4 week "break", and he is currently in disposables - which I hate paying for, while he is in his spica cast - we're at the half way point! Cast change on Monday!!!

So knowing that Jack will be back in MCN's very soon, and a bit sick of the ones I've got, I started building up a new stash for him. Then I decided I really wanted some pretty ones with cotton prints for him, but they're so expensive (often) to buy.  I've been told often how easy they are to make, but I didn't believe anyone.

I finally started making them...and you know what? They are that easy!

William's 2nd Birthday Nappy
Nappy for Jack's stash
First nappy I made - a gift

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