Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Notice Board

Every time I go to a fair or something I see these lovely notice boards. But me being me, I won't buy something that I know I could make really cheap.
The sort of notice board I see everywhere

I've been making some cards in advance for this month and next month's birthdays etc and was getting sick of sitting them on my desk, to get knocked over. I was thinking how handy it would be if I had somewhere to put them once they were done, before I gave them away.

Then, I remembered that a few years ago someone had given me this canvas picture as a birthday present - not my cup of tea at all, and even if it was my kitchen has no space to hang a picture like this.
The picture!

And...I  have so much fabric its not funny. I found some that was big enough, and just happens to be the same as the blinds in my craft room, so this will tie in nicely when its hung. Cut it to size and used a staple gun to attach it to the canvas. Then I found my longest length of ribbon - blue - and added diagonal strips of ribbon, staple gunned at each end. And to finish it off, I found enough blue flower buttons, a similar shade to the ribbon and sewed them on at the crosses of ribbon.

Here's how it turned out:

As you can see...I've already put it to work, even though its not on the wall yet. I'm pretty happy with my efforts.

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