Saturday, October 6, 2012

New Furniture For The Boys' Room

Jack doesn't have a set of drawers, William does, but Jack doesn't. That could pose a problem when he gets too many clothes for the hanging organiser and plastic drawers that his clothes currently occupy, also where William's clothes first started.

William's current drawers are a set that my twin sister fixed up a few years ago, and somehow we got them. They look great and serve the purpose well...but...I like things to match.

So I began the hunt on Trade Me for some cheap, matching drawers for the boys. Found an auction for 2 sets of drawers and a bookcase, not quite matching, but close enough. $1 reserve. Got the lot for $47. Figured even with some paint to do them up they'd make a cheap set.

How they started

 They sat in the hallway for a month until I decided it was time to get onto them. Took a trip to Mitre 10 and picked a paint colour...Resene Mantis, and got Mum's sander off her to give them a sand before painting.

I started with the big set of drawers first, did one at a time in full. Sand, and 3 coats of paint. Replace the handles and start the next one. One day per item.

1 down, 1 to go

I thought the bookcase needed to tie in with the drawers more than just being the same green. I knew I had some blue metallic card in my cardboard drawer so I printed out two sheets of stars and got the hubby to cut them out. Then I stuck them on when the paint was dry. He didn't think it needed the stars...I'm glad I put the stars on.
Second set of drawers with the bookcase next to it. I think it ties in nicely.
 I'm more than happy with how these turned to get them out of the hallway and fit them into the boys room and switch all the clothes over! That's a big enough job in itself.

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